Exploring the "Why"

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Since I am occasionally a person who stays in and watches TV and surfs the interwebs in search of all things interesting/amusing, I was intrigued when I came across Newsweek's story about why women have sex. It's actually a review of a new book studying that very question, and it discusses how in the past, it was assumed that women engaged in sex because they desired love and commitment. New research suggests we women do it for revenge, pity (the famous "mercy fuck"), affirmation, and even pain relief. Apparently nine percent of us have even used sex to barter for help around the house.

It got me thinking- have I ever done it for any of those reasons? Why do I usually do it? (Actually, lately I'm really thinking, "Will I ever do it again?" I hate slumps.)

What say you, readers? Have any of those ever been your reasons for sex? Or are you more likely to do it for one of Lily's reasons?


LadyLeo said...

The last time I had sex it was for reason #49. I can't say it was worth it. LadyLuck.