Shampoo, Rinse, Repeat

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I have had a revelation. One brought on by procrastination and snow-dreaming, but a revelation nonetheless.

I am totally boring.

Oh, OK, not TOTALLY. I mean, some people actually think I'm kind of funny (you know, like my mom). But I have realized I have a pattern. it goes approximately like this:

Phase 1: Meet and date a guy I find very attractive, and marvel at our great and nearly instant chemistry.

Phase 2: Guy falls off face of planet; I get bummed. Am slightly buoyed by offer of date with another guy.

Phase 3: Go on date with new guy, who is Very Nice. Notice that I am not very attracted to him, but figure I'll keep trying till I'm sure, because he is Very Nice, after all.

Phase 4: Begin to feel exhausted from trying so hard to become magically attracted to Very Nice guy. Stop seeing him.

Phase 5: Whine about having no dates; eat popcorn in gratuitous quantities.

I have some thinking to do about my pattern, of course. Especially since I'm somewhere around Phase 3 right now (which, in South Park world, is "Profit"- if only that were the case here, am I right?). I am hoping I can break the pattern this time, while simultaneously fearing that in about three weeks I'll throw my hands up in frustration and go back to dating Orville Redenbacher until Phase 1 starts again.