Blind Date, Ahoy!

Friday, June 18, 2010
Earlier this year, CarrieLives went on a blind date with a gentleman (documented for prosperity in Mystery Date). Even though she was described as "stimulating" and "well-proportioned," alas, it was not meant to be.

Now, apparently, it is my turn.

A well-meaning newspaper in the area sets up strangers based on their responses in a questionnaire and then sends them out to a restaurant for a date. I decided to fill out said questionnaire at 3AM on a Friday night during a dating slump, oh, several months ago. I may or may not have been a little tipsy. I also may or may not have sent in the snarkiest questionnaire possible.

So, they now want to send me on a date next Tuesday. And, I'm going to go.

I'm on about date 4 with nerdy guy numero dos from More Than Slightly Demented. It's been really fun so far and I quite like him. That said, I think he is fully on the rebound from his recently ended relationship. (And, every girl knows the worst possible things is to spend your time helping a guy heal his wounded heart and wings to then watch him fly on back to his original nest.)

So, blind date it is for me. If anything, it's free dinner and a funny story.

Have you every been on a blind date? What happened?