Mystery Date

Thursday, September 17, 2009
I decided to take the plunge. And so tomorrow night at 8PM, I will be meeting a man I know only by his first name at a restaurant I've never been to. That part's actually not so out of the ordinary, though- what makes this more interesting is that A) We've literally never met or spoken or even e-mailed prior to this, and I know absolutely nothing about him; and B) After this date we get to rate each other and it gets printed in the paper where potentially EVERYONE could see it.

I'm actually kind of excited. I've not had too much success picking 'em so far, so who's to say a reporter who's never met me couldn't do a better job? And besides, no matter how good or bad this date is, it will be a Story. That much is guaranteed.

My mom wants me to call her right away on Saturday morning to tell her how it went. I guess she assumes I'll be out late.

Hey, are you all following TheWrongCards on Twitter yet? Do it!


Little Red said...

The Washington Post has been doing something similar for the last two or so years in the Sunday magazine. It's pretty informative to read. In the Post's case, there have been a few successes but mostly misses or almost hits. Good luck.

CarrieLives said...

Thanks! Of course either way you'll hear about it. :)