Dear Universe,

Monday, August 9, 2010
Sometimes I ask the universe for favors. And, frighteningly, sometimes the universe responds.

I’ve had too many coincidences in my life to believe anything else. A year ago, I was entirely conflicted how I felt about an ex and my then current boyfriend, My Favorite Mistake. I asked for a sign to figure out what to do about my ex. He called me that night for the first time in months to tell me he had proposed to his new girlfriend of two months. That was certainly an answer.

My Favorite Mistake is still very much present in my life and I unfortunately gravitate toward him in times of boredom, loneliness, happiness, hell, really anything. But, the fact remains, we cannot be together and we have too much history to pretend we can just be casual friends.

Meanwhile, I have come to the conclusion that I simply cannot go on any more boring dates. I have finally figured out I am looking for an unconventional, eccentric counterpart while also realizing that I simply cannot make polite, generic conversation anymore. I do understand that I am somewhat of an eclectic crackpot, but I have been exceedingly uninterested by my prospects. I have not been excited about anyone in such a long time; I can’t even remember why I want to fall in love again.

So, I asked for a new distraction. My list of desired attributes a-went a-somethin’ like this: Well-traveled with an interesting cultural background, multilingual, successful, intelligent, deranged sense of humor, well-read, intellectually curious, love of board games...and, you know, attractive.

And, hot damn, the universe delivered!

So, the dating hiatus is over.

This message has been approved by 4 out of 5 Ms. Universe contestants. I don't know about you, but I think Ms. USA looks like an Queen-of-Spades-hating, love-bashing lady. That, or she really just doesn't approve of Miss Japan's dress.


Caleb said...

Maybe, but I'd still do 'er.

Ranking (judged only by this picture) of the order of countries I would bang:

1. Korea
2. USA
3. Japan
4. Brazil
5. Venezuela.